Surgical procedures offered at our hospitals include but are not limited to:
For your pet, minimally invasive surgery (also known as Endoscopic Surgery) means a faster recovery time and less trauma. While not every surgery can be done in this manner, it is an alternative for some. Please see below for a list of common minimally invasive surgeries.
A variety of surgeries for your pet can be done in a minimally invasive manner, including:
Overiectomy (removal of ovaries alone – this differs from the typical spay in which the ovaries and uterus are removed)
Gastropexy (treatment in larger breeds for gastric dilation volvulus, or torsion bloat)
The most obvious benefit for your pet is reduced recovery time and minimizing trauma to tissue. Incisions are much smaller, making for faster healing and less stress on your pet.
While it is minimally invasive, your pet is still undergoing surgery and their pain will need to be managed accordingly. Before surgery, your pet will receive pain medication and will have anesthesia during the operation. We will provide more detailed information for post-surgery care based on the type of surgery and your pet’s individual needs.